H0001 - [HANDMADE] Animal Lower Case Dot Sticker

is Animal Lower Case Dot Sticker?

Animal Lower Case Dot Sticker contain 26 lower case alphabet from a-z. Children use the dot sticker provided to stick on the blank circle on the alphabet sheet. Once complete, parent can teach the children to trace the shape of the alphabet. Tracing help children memorize the shape of the alphabet and make it easier for learning how to write them in the later phase.

Packaged in B3 size zip-lock bag for your convenience to bring around. Can be play while waiting for dining and etc.

  • Product Code: H0001 
  • Age Range: 2 - 4 years old
  • Product Dimensions: 21cm*14cm 
  • Shipping Weight: +- 200g 
  • Instruction:
    • Provide the children 2-4 card each time.
    • Introduce the letter to the children and provide them with the dot sticker
    • Children can place the dot sticker according to the color or base on their preferences.
    • Once complete, show the children how to trace the letters with 2 fingers and invite the children to follow.

RM 12.00 Add to Cart

does Animal Lower Case Dot Sticker helps my child?

 Help your children build their confidence in the literary learning process.
   Help your children coordinated control of eye movement with hand   movement to place the dot sticker correctly.
 Help your children to feel with their fingers and stimulate eye sensory with the colours.


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